Official Mark LaMonica Website is LaMonica Pictures, Mark LaMonica Music and Mark LaMonica Boutique offering clothing, accessories, glassware, greeting and note cards, music, prints, videos and so much more.

It's the portal for LaMonica Pictures (photography & video services & licensing), *Mark LaMonica Music (sound track licensing, music & recording services). Visit the Music & Photography pages for more information.

key wording Mark LaMonica Pictures, marcus, markus, image consulting, note cards, prints, Nikon, Canon, Panasonic, Sony, film, fuji, kodak, Leica, Hasselblad, Bass, guitars, drums, piano, recording, studio, photography, workshops, tours, services, video, architectural, landscape, nature, model, portfolio, product, research, assignment, instruments, amps, Fender, Gibson, D'Addario, strings, musicians, adventure, documentary, digital, movie, location, country, alternative, rock, classic, Vox, Gibson, Fender, Ibanez, Marshall, Orange, Electro Harmonix, MXR

Watch for monthly additions to Collections      Music gear for sale can be seen at the link to the right Gear    Visit my YouTube Channel for sample music and video previews

~ Thank You ~ To all the nice people around the world who came to visit my web site.